

Our pedicure service offer you a perfect care experience on your special days or any time you want to pamper yourself. Just relax and let our expert hands pamper you. Your feet are an important part of your personal beauty and care. Make your appointment and enjoy our special services!

Why pedicure

One of the best ways to pamper yourself and look well-groomed is to pamper your fingers with our pedicure service. Our trained and experienced experts provide you with a professional experience and make your feet perfectly well-groomed.

We care about your health and beauty, so we clean all the tools and equipment used in accordance with strict hygiene standards. Our experts provide a safe and healthy environment by strictly adhering to sterilization and hygiene protocols.

beauty promotion

Nail and Pedicure promotion

Buy any package DK Nail Package, and receive one complimentary manual massage session.

5000 TL
3000 TL